We grow, evolve, and outgrow. And that’s okay 👋🏼
I outgrew a lot of things since becoming a mom:
❌ Saying yes when I mean no
❌ Late nights
❌ Sleeping in
❌ Watching TV
❌ Allowing unsolicited advice
❌ The city life
❌ Working all day
❌ Allowing people to cross my boundaries
❌ Closed & small minded pwople
And you know why it’s totally okay?
✔️Moving on from old habits means you are moving ahead
✔️ Outgrowing things means you are listening to your current new needs
✔️ Best friends don’t need to be forever, you can have different best friends in different life stages that match your new interests and lifestyle
✔️New values usually mean increased self-worth
✔️Evolving usually comes from learning and setting better and healthier boundaries
Be okay with changing, especially as you become a mom and grow through the motherhood journey, one of the biggest life changes. Do you with no regrets ✨
What have you outgrown since becoming a mom?