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Tips For Flying With Baby

Updated: Jan 2, 2019

✈️ Bring a thick blanket for baby to lay on: you can use on airport floor for tummy time and rolling over before boarding, and take walks, so baby is active before not being able to be so free

✈️ Bring a lighter blanket for feeding privacy & for baby on board (also will keep breastfeeding baby from getting distracted when flight is bright & busy)

✈️ On longer flights, bring a cozy bodysuit for the baby to put over the PJs this way he/she will stay warm with no need of blanket (and can move around or sleep without getting cold).

✈️ When the baby is old enough to crawl or cruise, and especially for long flights, bring gloves (that are just for this) and let him crawl/cruise in the end of the plane (or around the airport prior to boarding) where the crew are, this way he/she will get some energy out.

✈️ The isle seat is better to stand up quickly when fussiness starts without disturbing anyone. But window is easier to lean and for privacy. You choose your preference!

✈️ Being healthy snacks for mom: especially breastfeeding, you don’t want your milk supply to lower during a flight or trip.

✈️ Bring snacks & food for baby if he/she is old enough to eat. Don’t count on airport or plane food. I like to make home made pouches but, premade pouches tend to hold longer and be better sealed. I like “once upon a farm” brand. Pouches are iveral easy to feedback on board (more than finger food or puree by spoon).

✈️ If it is a long flight, try to fly nighttime, it’s better to hold / deal with a sleepy baby than an excited one that wants to move around nonstop or yells. If it is a short flight, I would also plan for it to be during their nap time, if they are tired, they most likely fall asleep with the buzzing of the plane. And they will get tired being distracted at the airport. You can see more on this on my post “how to book a flight with a baby”

✈️ A big diaper backpack with everything, no more carry ons & hands free to hold baby! You can read about “what I pack in my diaper bag” in another post.

✈️ Avoid the tail of the plane (it is busier, noisier and shakes way more) and avoid seats near bathrooms (people line up in front: less privacy & extra noise may wake the baby)

✈️ Remember babies have priority: skip lines, go inside the plane first... However, you have to ask!! Approach security & staff and tell them you are traveling with a little one and you will avoid all lines!

✈️ Bring extra diapers and supplies: plan for delays!

✈️ Feed the Baby during take off and landing to to relieve ear press

✈️ For longer flights having an extra seat for the baby to sleep in is def worth it. I’ve had an extra seat every time (4 times) we’ve done Lax - Barcelona (12/13h flights). I know you have to pay for an extra seat but, if you don’t get a bassinet (or baby is old enough not to be in a bassinet) holding a baby for that long is also crazy exhausting.

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