Here are a few new things I have been doing daily this 3rd trimester specifically:
1. Compression boots: Great leg lymphatic drainage to improve leg circulation, reduce swelling, promote a good flow (perf w the extra fluid retention).
3. Body work: I saved my budget for my 3rd. My in-home therapist personalizes the work from deep tissue to cupping, scrapping, reiki etc. I also booked 3 acupuncture sessions for 37&38w for labor prep, and do chiro when needed (he fully fixed my sciatica).
4. Regular monthly facials: I made a commitment to go once a month during the 3rd T and saving 2 for PP (when I can).
5. Red raspberry leaf tea: to tone the uterus and get it strong for labor! I would have started dates too, but when I had kidney stones I had a cervical check to rule out labor at 33w and I was already 60% effaced so I don’t think I need them this time, and I don’t like them anyways
6. 1on1 friend dates: for the next 2y baby will come with me everywhere, doing some last 1on1s.
7. Time & activities w my big kids: doing all school pick ups / drop offs & taking them to fun places before I get in my pp bubble.
8. Night meditations & connection: it’s hard to connect to the baby unless you truly put an intention. It will help our birth & postpartum be extra magical ✨
9. Home projects & nesting: I am going crazy. Cleaning every drawer. Throwing & selling things. Adding decor. Changing all air purifier filters. Adding new humidifiers in every room...
10. Nightly Epsom salt baths: I get in with the kids, it helps my body so much in end of pregnancy.
11. Daily probiotics: I take it up a notch and take the best pre&probiotic religiously as baby will be exposed to my bacteria and we want it to be the best kind 🙌🏼 plus helps with immunity, extra needed now. Among my regular vitamins: prenatal, colostrum & electrolytes.