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Sofia's 1st B-Day Healthy Cake Recipe

Updated: Jan 15, 2020

I am not the best baker, but I really wanted to make Sofia's first birthday cake to a) create a beautiful memory and b) make sure it was clean and had exactly what I wanted for her. After tons of research I mixed up a few ideas from several cakes and voila, Sofia's cake was born.

I was scared of how it would look and taste, but surprisingly turned out amazing insight and out :) So if I didn't screw this up, you wont either!

Here are the ingredients:

- 1 cup of flour of choice (I decided on quinoa flower to make it higher in protein)

- 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon

- 1 teaspoon of Baking soda

- 1 ripe banana

- 1/4 cup of Milk of choice (I decided for almond milk)

- 1 egg

- 1/3 cup Unsweetened organic apple sauce (you can make at home too)

- Box of organic raspberries or blueberries (depending if you want it pink or blue)

- 1 organic unsweetened Greek yogurt

* If this is for older kids or adults, you can add 1/4 cup of pure organic maple syrup for added sweetness

Here is the recipe step by step (under 30min):

1. Mix the following in a large bowl:

- 1 cup of flour

- 1 teaspoon of baking soda

- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

2. Blend the following in a blender

- 1 banana

- 1/4 cup of milk

- 1/3 of unsweetened applesauce

- 1 Egg

- 1/4 pure maple syrup (optional)

3. Once that is blended (#2) pour onto the large bowl (#1) and mix well using a whisk

4. Apply coconut oil onto the circular nonstick bake wear (so cake does not stick) and pour the cake mix.

5. Bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees

Repeat (or do two at the same time) if you want two layers like me.


Simply mix the Greek yogurt with the raspberries (pink) or blueberries (blue) until its the color tone you like. For Sofia's second birthday, I wanted the cake white, so I added the yogurt directly and it looked beautiful too!

Other "icing" ideas if you are not a yogurt fan:

You can also top it off with sugar free chocolate (for a healthy ADULT version of the cake: cacao is a natural stimulant for babies so it is not recommended) or some type of peanut butter. But the yogurt truly gives it a fresh mix that goes really well with this cake!


After my successful experience I decided I will be sharing more healthy baking ideas for kids. Stay tuned and please tag me if you end up doing it, I want to see!

To watch a video step by step, head to the "Healthy Cake" highlight on my IG profile.



- 1 taza de Harina de tu eleccion (yo opte por harina de quinoa)

- 1 cucharita de Canela

- 1 cucharita de Bicarbonato

- 1 Platano maduro

- 1 taza de Leche (yo elegi de almendra)

- 1/4 taza de sirope de arce

- 1 huevo

- 1/3 taza de pure de manzana organico sin azucar

- 1 caja de frambuesas o arandanos (depende si la quereis rosa o azul)

- 1 yogu griego natural sin azucar

- Aceite de coco

La receta paso a paso (en menos de 30min):

1. Mezcla los siguientes ingredientes en un bol grande:

- 1 taza de harina

- 1 cucharita de bicarbonato

- 1 cucharita de canela

2. Mezcla los siguientes ingredientes en una liquadora/batidora.

- 1 platano

- 1/4 taza de leche

- 1/3 taza de pure de manzana organico sin azucar

- 1 huevo

3. Anade el mix de la liquadora (#2) en el bol grande (#1) y mezcla bien con un batidor de mano.

4. Anade todo en un plato redondo para hornear pasteles untado de aceite de coco para que no se enganche.

5. Cocinalo durante 20min a 350 grados.

Repite otra vez (o haz dos) si quieres dos pisos como el mio.

Para el glaseado saludable

Mezcla el yogur griego con arandanos o frambuesas dependiendo de tu color de preferencia.

Para ver videos paso a paso visitar mi perfil de IG y seleccionar el highlight de "Healthy Cake".

2nd birthday!

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