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My Third Pregnancy Symptoms

The nausea and food aversions have been extremely intense and long. Started at week 3 (mild) and quickly picked up in intensity at week 4. But week 5-9 (especially week 7-8) was so intense & all day. There were some days that I could only eat bananas and olipops. Thinking about what to eat was rough, nothing sounded good. Not even bread. But I needed to eat small bites to avoid my nausea peaking even harder. It was a nonstop battle. I also had two weeks of constant vomiting in the pm. And cooking for the kids was the worst chore. I still have all day nausea but the intensity level has gotten milder, so its more tolerable.

However, this has been the BEST exhaustion pregnancy. I have had 4-5 days where I have been exhausted all day (“I cant do anything” type of days) but that is IT. Those days, I gave myself grace and did nothing (or as little as possible considering I have two kids and responsibilities). But compared to other pregnancies where I have been in bed for weeks without having energy to even get up. It’s been amazing in this sense. I was able to take care of the house, kids and get work done.

On another hand, something else I felt really quickly around 5 weeks was that I was extremely out of breath for nothing, even talking. This is due to high progesterone but I had never felt it this early with any other pregnancies.

Overall, there are no words to say how grateful I am for every symptom and for our baby, just one of the first many sacrifices of having this little angel with us. Anything for you!


Ep. 36: Suprise Laura's Pregnant! Deciding on having a third baby, how I found out, how I told the kids, anxiety, symptoms and more.

Ep. 37: Pregnancy Q&A special. What my gender guess is, what the kids and hubby think it is, would I consider a 4th, age differences, fears, when did I start showing, what car will I drive, birth center or home birth, and more!


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