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How I Prevented Mastitis And Signs To Keep An Eye For

Updated: Jun 22, 2022

As you know, at 6 months we went from exclusive nursing to adding solids too!

We went from nursing every 2-3h during the day (about 6 times) to nursing 4 times a day. And although milk is still the main source of nutrients for a long time, the sudden drop of 2 feedings is noticeable.

It didn’t happen with Sofia but this time, after one week of solids I noticed my breast were sore, engorged and I had one small bump that wouldn't go away, even after feedings. In one day it started to just get overall worse as the day progressed.

So I immediately I texted my lactation consultant to make sure I PREVENTED mastitis, which I only had once 3 years ago when Sofia was a few weeks old, and it's seriously no fun.

She told me to keep nursing nonstop (more often than usual) and to do a massage to help the milk flow & release. She also taught me HOW to position B so that the milk would drain properly (which was the opposite way I typically nurse him). And to pump very very little after each feeding to get more milk out (not much because we didn't want my body to overproduce, we wanted it to adapt to the changes as B grows and needs less).

It took about 24h to see improvements and 3 days to get it completely fine. But I never reached the point of mastitis or real clogged ducts.

She did NOT recommend cold/warm pads or vibration, in my case, but this is why I highly recommend working with a professional that can help you personally in any stage of the issue you are at!

Remember to keep an eye for early mastitis (or mastitis) when you go through milk supply drops or changes. It’s easier & much better to prevent than curing! Some signs include:

* Breast tenderness

* Breast swelling

* Thickening of breast tissue, or lump

* Pain or a burning sensation while feeding

* Skin redness

* Generally feeling ill

* Fever

For more Newborn AND Nursing education, guidance and support, take my Newborn and Nursing on-demand Course!

2 commentaires

03 févr. 2021

Yes! So you should either have baby underneath you so that milk is going down with gravity (lay baby on a bed and be on top) and you should also position the chin of the baby on the same side where your “knot” is in. So if you have it near your armpit, then you should hold the baby football position while drinking, sorry it’s hard to explain!


Camilla Mackay
Camilla Mackay
03 févr. 2021

Hi Laura, could you share the position she recommended to properly drain the breast? There is so much information out there and this sounds really valuable to know. Many thanks!

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