The best schedule for a 3-month-old is to continue to adapt to his needs.
So yes, Bs schedule is still is unpredictable, and irregular. But he is starting to build stable patterns (check out the 2-3 month pattern post I did) and it’s much easier to have a home “schedule” with him right now.
The main thing to keep in mind is that babies at this age can stay awake for 1-2h at a time (best not to let them go past that to avoid over stimulation) while naps can be between 30 minutes and 2/3 hours long.
This said, here’s an approximate schedule following his lead:
7am wake + feed
730am play
830am nap
930am wake + feed
945 play
1115am nap
1145am wake + feed
12pm play
1pm nap
230pm wake + feed
245pm play
3pm nap
430pm wake + feed
5pm play
6pm nap
630pm wake + feed
645pm play
730pm night routine
8pm feed + night sleep
2-3 night feedings
*note I never follow a schedule, I go by his patterns and needs at this age. This is just an example of what HE is doing!
So what does he do during each?
Gym play mat
Homework cards
Interact with mom
Hang with Sofia and mom while being held
Cook with mom
Watch mom workout
Watch mom fold laundry
Facetime with family
Go for a stroll around the neighborhood
NAPS: They are not consistent on length or time yet. When it’s time for him to nap I go to the office with him so I can take advantage and work while he sleeps, and it’s my husbands turn with Sofia. I’m never alone lol. Or we have him nap on the go if it’s the weekend! This age is easier to do that so we take advantage of it.
FEED: I feed on demand so of course, no schedule, but he tends to feed every 1.5-2.5h during the day now.
This age is challenging in the sense that everything has to be done in super tiny windows of time, but it’s also way easier: they aren’t mobile, they sleep more through the day, and they overall are easier to please, with no sleep regressions or teething yet (not for too long tho) so enjoy, this stage, it is awesome!